Monday & Tuesday
Background on Ku Klux Klan
- origins: new and old
- membership
- leadership
- political influence
- eugenics: psuedo-science, which emphasized that human inequalities were inherited and warned against breeding the "unfit."
- downfall
- create know/infer/question
- read lynching sources and annotate
- Journal Entry on sources and why bill is not passed until 2005
Map Assignment
-relabel States
-label 1921-1930
HW Cartoon Analysis
Thursday and Friday
DBQ-document-based question
-verge of 20's Background:
- strikes
- racial tension
- Red Scare
- Palmer Raids
What is it and how can it be useful to students of history?
Eugene Debs
-revisit values and historical significance (AV 399)
-excerpt from Echos of Distant Thunder
-revisit Espionage Act language
Sacco-Vanzetti background (AV 407)
- Bartolomeo Vanzetti, 1927 quotation
- (AV 416-417)
- Explain ties to Debs and Red Scare
Immigration Laws
-National Origins Act
Scopes Trial
New Identities for Women